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March 22, 2024
Yorba Linda
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The Power of Your Story for God's Glory

As we continue this road to Easter, celebrating our own version of “Lent,” we’re going to spend each week focusing on practices that we can be deliberate about to help us focus on Jesus and attend to our spiritual lives just as deliberately as we attend to our physical lives. This week, we’re going to be focusing on the practice of sharing our story and inviting others to our Easter services.

Believe it or not, it’s actually easier for me to speak on a stage in front of thousands than share my personal faith story one-on-one with a stranger.  Why?  Because when I talk on a stage, I know exactly what I’m going to say and there’s really no opportunity for interruptions.  But when I’m sharing my faith one-on-one with somebody, I have no idea the questions, objections or pushback that I’m going to receive!  

What I need to remind myself, however, is that I don’t have to get things “perfect” in order to be effective in sharing Jesus with others.  That’s because it’s not my responsibility to save anyone…it’s God who saves, not me (Ephesians 2:8-9).  And therefore, my responsibility is simply to get the message of Jesus out there, and allow God’s Word to go to work.  As James reminds us, it’s the “implanted word” that leads to salvation (James 1:21) and not any individual.

That’s the case for all of us.  Sharing Jesus with others doesn’t require theological expertise or eloquent speech. It simply requires a willing heart and the courage to be honest about where you’ve been, how you’ve encountered God, and how He has transformed your life. Your testimony has the power to inspire faith, encourage hearts, and perhaps even be the catalyst for someone to begin their own journey with Christ.

That’s why as we approach Easter weekend, I want to encourage you to fight through any fear or anxiety you have about sharing your faith journey with someone in your life and inviting them to an Easter service.  Easter weekend is one of the few weekends of the year when people who don’t believe in Jesus or don’t normally go to church are open to go to it.  Who knows if this is the year that someone you know will walk through our doors and have their eternity changed as a result?

It's such a privilege that God gives us the opportunity to be used by Him in bringing other people to faith.  I pray that God blesses you this week as you participate with Him in seeing more people come into His Kingdom through faith in Jesus and His death and resurrection.  Christ is Risen!  He is Risen, indeed!