Apr 11

Come and See His Baptism


Matthew 3:1-17

Main Idea:

SERIES SUMMARY: Who is Jesus? There is no question that is more important in life than that--for Christians believe that eternity itself rises and falls on that question. That’s why we need to make sure we get the answer to that question right. These days, people have a lot of thoughts about who Jesus is. Many religions, for example, claim Him as their own. But we believe that the Bible gives us the answer. Through the four biographies we have of Jesus, we get a picture of who He is and His significance to us. In our series “Simply Jesus,” we’re going to be doing a survey of the gospel of Matthew to figure out who Jesus is, what He did, and why He is so important. In the process, we’ll learn more about the author and perfecter of our faith--and who He desires us to be! Jesus is the center of our faith. Come and find out who He really is...

Lean In

Purpose: Introduce the topic and get the group talking.

1. Are you more likely to prepare in advance or improvise on the fly?  Tell a real or hypothetical story that illustrates your preference.

Look Down

Purpose: Observe the passage and interact with the text.

2.  Read Matthew 3:1-17 together.  Why did Jesus get baptized?

3. Why is it significant that John was the one to baptize Jesus? 

4. What is the role of repentance in this passage?  Describe the reason for the warning that John gives.

Look Out

Purpose: Connect observations in God’s Word with observations in our world today.

5. Can you give an example of what repentance looks like in American culture?   

6. What things would John have to say to the culture and/or to the church in our present day?

Look In

Purpose: Internalize God’s Word and apply the truth to your personal life.

7.  What fruit has the Holy Spirit produced in your life that you can celebrate? 

8. Where in your life have you chosen comfort, conformity, or credentials rather than living out the kind of life Jesus is calling you to? 

Live it Out

Purpose: Spend time listening for God’s direction and guidance as you seek to live out the truths of this passage in your everyday life.

9. Take some time individually in prayer.  Ask God to reveal to you things in your life that you need to repent and turn from, so that your life can be ready to receive more of Jesus.  

10. Those who feel comfortable, share what God revealed during this time.  How did he convict you?  How did he encourage or comfort you?  What guidance or direction did he offer?

Lean In

Purpose: Introduce the topic and get the group talking.

1. Are you more likely to prepare in advance or improvise on the fly?  Tell a real or hypothetical story that illustrates your preference.

This question is designed to be light and fun to get the conversation started. 

Look Down

Purpose: Observe the passage and interact with the text.

2.  Read Matthew 3:1-17 together.  Why did Jesus get baptized?

  • To fulfill all righteousness - vs. 15  -- Matthew wants to show that Jesus is the fulfillment of all God’s work in the world. He is the final goal and consummation of all God’s saving activity. God has sent John as the final herald of the King’s return, and now Jesus comes in line with this and fulfills it by submitting to John’s baptism.
  • Jesus didn’t have to repent. But he is identifying with Israel and all humanity to fulfill God’s promises and prophecy.
  • When people later believed they would be baptized “into” Jesus. 

3. Why is it significant that John was the one to baptize Jesus? 

  • John was seen as a spiritual authority and prophet by the people.  He was dressed like the prophet Elijah, and his ministry was warning people to get ready for the coming of God.  Yet, he submitted to Jesus and HIS authority.  John came to prepare the way, but Jesus came to be the way.

4. What is the role of repentance in this passage?  Describe the reason for the warning that John gives. 

  • Repentance is a turning away from one identity/desire//habit/idol in order to take up something new.  In this passage, John is warning the people that their old credentials and membership don’t cut it anymore.  They need to turn away from those old systems so they are ready to embrace a new way of life with God (Jesus).  Just because they can prove they are blood descendents of Abraham, doesn’t mean they are living in relationship with God like Abraham. 
  •  The real KING is coming!  Living different lives that produce fruit through the power of God’s Spirit is the marker of membership in the people of Jesus.  If you claim to be a Christian in this culture, and yet your heart and life don’t line up with that of Jesus, it’s time to repent.

Look Out

Purpose: Connect observations in God’s Word with observations in our world today.

5. Can you give an example of what repentance looks like in American culture?   

  • People stepping down from positions and saying they will “do better” 
  • Have you noticed that even when people mess up, say they are sorry, and try to change their ways...you still don’t hear them ask for forgiveness. 

6. What things would John have to say to the culture and/or to the church in our present day?

Look In

Purpose: Internalize God’s Word and apply the truth to your personal life.

7.  What fruit has the Holy Spirit produced in your life that you can celebrate? 

8. Where in your life have you chosen comfort, conformity, or credentials rather than living out the kind of life Jesus is calling you to?

Live it Out

Purpose: Spend time listening for God’s direction and guidance as you seek to live out the truths of this passage in your everyday life.

9. Take some time individually in prayer.  Ask God to reveal to you things in your life that you need to repent and turn from, so that your life can be ready to receive more of Jesus.  

10. Those who feel comfortable, share what God revealed during this time.  How did he convict you?  How did he encourage or comfort you?  What guidance or direction did he offer?

As the Spirit leads, spend some time praying for each other in light of the specific situations that were shared.  Spend some time asking God how to pray, and offer what you sense him leading you to.