Moms With Littles is a Women’s Life Group for moms of kids birth through age five. This group meets every Wednesday from February 19th to April 16th at Friends Eastvale from 9:00-11:00am. We believe that the greatest growth happens in the context of community. We encourage you to grab a few girlfriends and sign up for this Wednesday morning group. You will meet as a larger group and then break up into small groups.
Here is some info on our study for our spring semester "In Her Shoes- Motherhood lessons from Biblical Women."
Every woman's path to motherhood is different, including the mothers in the Bible. As you work through the In Her Shoes Bible study and dive deeper into God's Word, you will learn life lessons from five biblical women that you can apply to your life. In Her Shoes is a 5-week study that will walk you through the role of a Proverbs 31 woman and how to live that out daily. Then, you will take a deeper look at the following biblical mothers: Eve, Sarah, Hannah, and Mary. You will study each of their stories and see how you can apply their lessons to your God-given role as a mother. Take some time to learn from these amazing women and let their stories inspire you to be the best mother and wife you can be. 💗