Connecting Generations for Unimaginable Impact

Our new giving initiative, IMAGINE, will encompass all acts of generosity over the next two years. We will consolidate our financial objectives into a single fund, also known as the one-fund. This one-fund will resource not only our ongoing ministry activities, but facilitate campus expansion and development, drive impact in India and beyond, and enhance our Yorba Linda campus for future generations.

Imagine Study

Begins Sept 29

Commitment Weekend

Nov 2 & 3

Our new giving initiative, IMAGINE, will encompass all acts of generosity over the next two years. We will consolidate our financial objectives into a single fund, also known as the one-fund. This one-fund will resource not only our ongoing ministry activities, but facilitate campus expansion and development, drive impact in India and beyond, and enhance our Yorba Linda campus for future generations.

Life Groups

Engage in IMAGINE: What am I living for? with your Life Group. Utilize the sermon notes sections found in the Group Journal Guide as you join us for weekend worship Oct. 5/6 through Nov. 2/3. We want everyone to participate and seek God as we learn to live in light of eternity.

Watch VideosJoin GroupDownload Group Journal Guide


Hear powerful stories of life transformation through the Imagine initiative. Each story highlights personal journeys of hope, resilience, and positive change.  


Two Year Goal - $40 Million

At Friends Church, God has done far more than we asked or could ever have imagined, and we anticipate Him continuing to show His glory through the church for the next generations. Will you join us as we begin this journey of IMAGINE?

At Home

$34.3 million

Student Center $10m
Corner Lot (previously pre-school) $2m
Parking/Houses/Enhancements $2.3m
Ministry Fund for 2 Years $20m

We will expand our facilities and Kingdom impact by adding a Student Center on our upper campus (in partnership with Friends Christian School). Improvements to our parking, renovations across campus and a new highly visible entrance from Yorba Linda Boulevard will support our continuing growth.

Around the Corner

$4.2 million

Orange Campus New Property $2.2m
Planting New Friends Campuses $2m

Friends Church is passionate about church planting, fulfilling our mission to change our world. In addition to planting four new campuses, we will develop existing campuses and partner with the Orange campus to purchase a new property for the thriving Friends Church Orange.

Around the World

$1.5 million

India Training Center
and Housing $1.5m

Our commitment to making a difference in India has never been stronger. Serving the poor glorifies God and is at the heart of our ministry. New housing for a desperate and vulnerable group of sex trafficked girls will provide a safe place for them to call home and receive a life changing education.


Will the church provide updates as to how much has come in and timelines for the various projects?

Transparency and frequency of communication are of utmost importance to us in keeping
our church informed. As our giving unfolds, we will be giving periodic updates through various
church communications and from the stage during services.

Which projects will be prioritized first during our 24-month Imagine giving experience?

Tentatively, we are planning to start with the following projects: 1) Student Center, 2) Corner
Lot 3, and 3) Campus Expansion/Improvements.

Since the Student Center will be used by both the church and the school, will the school help to pay for this building?

Yes, both the church and school will use the student center. The school will use it during the
week and during school hours, the church will use it, especially on Wednesday night with all of
our student programming. There are seven new classrooms in the student center, and they will
be used at night for life groups, etc.,

What are you asking me to do?

Pray, Discern, Act.

Ask God what He is calling you to do, and be willing to go where He leads you.

Pray: Seek God’s direction. Prepare your heart to hear Him and then listen to what He says.

Discern: Engage in personal reflection with God using this guide, and by engaging in the
Imagine sermon series. Talk with your family or community about what this commitment will
mean for this next season of your life.

Act: Follow with joyful obedience whatever God asks you to do. Mark your calendar for Nov.
2/3—we will engage in a very special worship service. Together we will bring our commitments
forward—we can’t wait to see what God will do!

Why are you doing this project?

Our current culture and the state of California education has shown us that the Church and
Christian education are needed now more than ever. Because of this, we sense an urgency to
be prepared to train and develop world changers for Jesus Christ.
In addition, the consistent growth of Friends Church Yorba Linda and the Orange campus
have developed a need to expand and make better use of the current facilities. Rather than
waste money and resources on an expensive lease, we want to be good stewards with what
God has provided us.
Last, we have a long standing partnership with India and feel a strong responsibility and
urgency to solve the problem of human trafficking. We plan to do this by building a home of
safety and hope.

Why are you doing it now?

We feel a strong momentum with the growth of Friends Church and want to strike while we
feel God’s hand actively moving. We could miss this window of opportunity. From real estate
becoming available, to the hearts of our people, the timing feels divine.
In this digital age where culture changes on a dime, connecting with the next generation now
is paramount. If we don’t step into equipping our youth to become world changers for Christ,
we never will, and we are already seeing how broken the future could be. God will do more
than we can imagine, but first, we must take this large step of faith.

What are we aiming to accomplish with this initiative?

1. Transform the heart of Friends Church into one overflowing with generosity
2. Equip the next generation to be world changers for Christ
3. Develop physical space for the next generation to do just that
4. Grow our current facilities to meet the need of new believers
5. Provide a safe haven for India’s most vulnerable children

How does this work with our regular Friends Church budget?

Imagine is a ONE FUND giving initiative in support of our mission and vision at all locations.
All money given will be used to fund ongoing ministry expenses, local and global outreach, and
significant projects.

How is Imagine different from other campaigns we’ve done at Friends Church?

This generosity initiative is discipleship-oriented and is aimed at helping us grow as individuals
and also increase our impact as a church. This isn’t just about raising money—in fact, if
someone offered to write a check for the full goal right now, we’d still do this giving initiative!
Our primary goal is 100% engagement and spiritual growth in the area of generosity, and our
secondary goal is to raise all the money needed to fund our vision and our ministries over the
next two years.

It’s hard for me to imagine taking a step forward in generosity because money is tight. Does
Friends Church have any classes or counselors that could help me create a budget and get a
handle on my finances? And should I still give even if I’m in debt?

We do have classes and counselors who would love to help you. In January, we will be offering Financial Peace University, a nine-week Bible-based curriculum designed to help individuals and families manage their finances according to Biblical principles. This program provides practical tools and spiritual guidance to help you achieve financial peace and live a life of generosity.

For more info., please contact us at And don’t let your financial situation rob you of the joy and growth that come with giving. It’s not about what God wants from you, it’s about what he wants for you.

I’ve never given to Friends Church before. Is Imagine for me?

Imagine is for ALL of us! Please join this exciting journey with us.

Can I make a gift of appreciated assets to Imagine?

If you own assets that have appreciated in value (stocks, bonds, real estate), it may be to your
advantage to contribute the asset to our ministry. For more information, please contact Amy
Brookman at

How long is my commitment?

This is a 24-month commitment. We’ll begin giving together on these new commitments
during our Advance Commitment Night on Oct. 20 and our all-church Commitment Weekend
on November 2-3, our 112th Anniversary and will conclude in November 2026.

“Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:21)