Women's Study

Women's Study

Jan 28-Mar 20
AM or PM
Friends Church Orange

Women of Friends Orange–gather with us as we study God's word and experience community together.

TUESDAYS | 6:30-8:30P

January 28th-March 20th

Curriculum: Practicing the Way

Two thousand years ago, Jesus said to his disciples, “follow me.” But what does it mean for us to follow Jesus today? The Practicing the Way Course is an on-ramp to spiritual formation, exploring what it means to follow Jesus and laying the foundation for a life of apprenticeship to him.

John Mark Comer and other voices will teach on
apprenticing under Jesus, spiritual formation, healing from sin, meeting God in pain, crafting a Rule of Life, living in community, and more. There are also weekly practices and exercises to help integrate what you’ve learned into your everyday life.


THURSDAYS | 9:30-11:30A

January 30-March 13th

Curriculum: Discerning God's Voice

Join us for a 7-week study on Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer. If hearing God has seemed challenging, Priscilla Shirer invites you to explore a more intimate relationship with Him, one that can make hearing Him—His will, His heart, and His voice—your ongoing experience. Discover how you can listen with greater confidence, clarity, and discernment. This revised study now includes substantially expanded content plus weekly insights from author and pastor (and Priscilla’s father), Dr. Tony Evans.