Worship & Production

Want to help make the weekend service happen? Come and use your creative and technical gifts and skills! We are always looking to welcome anyone from trained professionals to avid beginners who are ready to learn.


Lend your singing talents to our weekend services and at special events.

Time Commitment:

Full Weekend

Saturday 2 - 6:15P

Sunday 8A - 12:15P


Video or In-Person Audition

Time Commitment:


Make a joyful noise on the weekends and special events. In-person audition required.

Time Commitment:

Full Weekend

Saturday 2P - 6:15P

Sunday 8A - 12:15P


Video or In-Person Audition

Time Commitment:


As an audio engineer, we will train you and utilize your talents for the weekendto run the audio in your assigned area.

Time Commitment:

Full Weekend

Saturday 2P - 6:15P

Sunday 8A - 12:15P

Time Commitment:

Lighting Operator

Assist the team by running the lights that have been previously programmed during the week.

Time Commitment:

Full Weekend

Saturday 2P - 6:15P

Sunday 8A - 12:15P

Time Commitment:

CG Operator

Work in the tech booth, managing the program that puts content on the screens. It's the perfect position for someone who is detail oriented and loves to work behind the scenes.

Time Commitment:

Full Weekend

Sat 2P - 6:15P

Sun 9A - 12:15P

Time Commitment:

Special Events

On the big weekends (i.e. Christmas, Easter, and other prominent weekends) when our creative team is larger in numbers and/or fulfilling a larger time commitment, there is a unique opportunity to help set-up and/or maintain the green room space during those services.

Time Commitment:

As Needed

Time Commitment:

Stage Manager/MIB

This team manages all things and people that come on and off the stage. It's the perfect position for someone who loves peopleband to work behind the scenes.

Time Commitment:

Full Weekend

Saturday 2P - 6:15P

Sunday 8A - 12:15P

Time Commitment:

Green Room

In this role you'll be managing the bi-monthly re-ordering and restocking of the greenroom. This can be shared responsibility across a team of people.

Time Commitment:


Time Commitment:

Weekend Breakfast

You will be supporting the creative team by providing an easy breakfast (casserole, breakfast burritos, etc.) on Sunday mornings.

Time Commitment:

Once every 4 - 6 weeks

Time Commitment: